In pursuit of the level playing field: Musings on Arbitrator Duties of Disclosure Lucy GreenwoodFebruary 11, 2025Comment
"Build it and they will come": Observations on the rise in solo practices Lucy GreenwoodMarch 14, 2024Conduct of Proceedings, Arbitration, ArbitratorsComment
Campaign for Greener Arbitrations Wins GAR Award for Best Development Lucy GreenwoodJuly 14, 2020Comment
Lawyers and the Climate Crisis Lucy GreenwoodJuly 8, 2020Climate Change, Arbitration, International LawComment
Selecting Arbitrators: Words matter - and no more references to "IBM" Lucy GreenwoodJune 9, 2020Diversity Comment
Judged by the enemies we have made, judged by the actions we take: Arbitrations and Earth Day 2020 Lucy GreenwoodApril 22, 2020Comment
Holistic Arbitrating, Dinosaurs and the Tragedy of the Commons Lucy GreenwoodApril 17, 2020Green PledgeComment
On boxes and socks: reducing waste in international arbitration Lucy GreenwoodFebruary 18, 2020Green Pledge Comment
On coffee cups, sandwich fillings...and a green diet in six words Lucy GreenwoodJanuary 20, 2020Green PledgeComment