“Her knowledge of arbitration is wide, her judgment unfailing and her temperament exemplary. She is precisely the type of person one would want to serve as arbitrator”
Selected examples are set out below. For further information download Arbitrator Greenwood’s CV above.
• President, ICC arbitration, LNG, US$660 million in dispute, Paris seat, New York law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration, LNG, US$1.6 billion in dispute, New York seat, New York law.
• President, UNCITRAL (PCA) arbitration, gas pricing dispute, US$400 million in dispute, Stockholm seat, Swedish law.
• Chair, AAA arbitration, pipeline modules, US$10 million in dispute, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Sole arbitrator, LCIA arbitration relating to pipeline technology, Saudi Arabia, US$525 million in dispute, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration, crude supply, US$150 million in dispute, English law, London seat.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration relating to the supply of gold concentrate, US$3million in dispute, English law, London seat.
• President, ICC arbitration environmental liabilities, US$45 million in dispute, London seat, New York law.
• Chair, ICDR arbitration, farmout agreement, Colombia, US$27 million in dispute, Dallas seat, Texas law.
• Co-arbitrator, LCIA arbitration, sale and purchase of crude oil, US$70 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• President, ICC arbitration relating to solar technologies US$220 million in dispute, San Francisco seat, California law.
• Co-arbitrator, SIAC arbitration, gas processor components and the application of sanctions EUR230 million in dispute, Singapore seat, English law.
• Sole arbitrator, LCIA arbitration arising out of a hydro-electric power plant in Asia, US$20 million in dispute, London seat, Pakistan law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration environmental warranties Peru, US$126 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, LCIA arbitration, gas price dispute, US$80 million, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Emergency arbitrator, ICC arbitration, US$13 million in dispute, shipments of steel products in the Middle East, Abu Dhabi seat, UAE law.
• President, ICC arbitration, LNG supply, US$190 million in dispute, Paris seat, New York law.
• Chair, ICDR arbitration relating to renewables technology (on shore wind) US$35 million in dispute, Austin seat, Texas law.
• Chair, AAA arbitration, waxy crude oil, US$250 million in dispute, price review mechanisms, liquidated damages and questions of supply, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration relating to the imposition of taxes on drilling units, US$5 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration relating to a construction project in the Middle East, US$600 million in dispute, Dubai seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration relating to Joint Operating Agreements in Africa, US$35 million in dispute, Geneva seat, English law,
• Chair, LCIA arbitration relating to a production sharing agreement, and shareholder agreement, US$10 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration, US$30 million in dispute, claims arising out of the design and construction of a solar thermal power plant in the Middle East, Tel Aviv seat, Israeli law.
• Sole arbitrator, SIAC arbitration US$15 million in dispute, fuel oil supply, Singapore seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, AAA construction arbitration (Large Complex Commercial Procedures), power generation (renewables), Houston seat, Texas law.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration, farmout agreement, Georgia, US$10 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• Sole arbitrator, SIAC arbitration relating to a power plant in Asia, US$25 million in dispute, Singapore seat, Singapore law.
• Co-arbitrator, AAA energy arbitration (Large Complex Commercial Procedures), arising out of supply contract for steel piping, New York seat, New York law.
• Sole arbitrator, energy AAA arbitration, involving issues relating to prudent oil field practices, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Party appointed arbitrator, ad hoc arbitration relating to wind power generation, London seat, English law.
• Chair, DIFC-LCIA power supply arbitration (consolidated), US$20 million in dispute, Dubai seat, UAE law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration, energy dispute regarding drilling rigs US$42 million in dispute, London seat, English law
• Co-arbitrator, AAA arbitration, fracking materials, Houston seat, Texas law.
• President, ICC arbitration, classification of repairs in the shipping industry and complex questions of contractual interpretation, London seat, English law.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration, joint operating accounting, Egypt, London seat, English law.
• President, ICC arbitration involving the production and distribution of ferroalloys in India and North America, London seat, English law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC energy arbitration relating to bauxite mining services, Africa, London seat, English law.
• Chair, LCIA arbitration, environmental claims in South America, London seat, Delaware law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICDR energy arbitration involving imposition of taxes in drilling services, US$65 million in dispute, including issues relating to bankruptcy and security for costs, New York seat, New York and English law.
• President, ICC energy arbitration in relation to the interpretation of a Contribution Agreement, London seat, Texas law.
• Emergency arbitrator, ICDR energy arbitration with claims of over US$100 million involving over 95,000 acres of land, water rights and saltwater disposal wells, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICC arbitration with claims over US$20 million joint operations accounting Gabon, London seat, English law.
• Chair, ICDR energy arbitration US$8 million, Miami seat, Florida and Brazilian law.
Investment and Sovereign Disputes
• Party-appointed arbitrator, ICSID arbitration, USD$590 million in dispute (Riverside Coffee LLC v Republic of Nicaragua).
• President, ICSID arbitration, US$110 million in dispute (Primesouth International Offshore S.A.L. v the Republic of Iraq)
Media, IP, Licensing, Distributorship, Agency, Transport, Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals
• President, ICC arbitration regarding licensing and transportation of marine life, US$15 million in dispute, English law, London seat.
• Co-arbitrator, LCIA license and joint venture arbitration, US$5 million in dispute, London seat, English law.
• President, ICC arbitration over trade secrets, breach of licensing agreement for a world renowned computer game, US$140 million in dispute, New York law, New York seat.
• Chair, WIPO arbitration involving commercialization of disruptive technologies, over US$10 million in dispute, London seat, Texas law.
• Co-arbitrator, ICDR arbitration involving patent licensing, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic testing kits under New York law, New York seat.
• Sole arbitrator, ICDR arbitration involving licensing and distribution issues in the life sciences industry involving questions of Texas and Indian law.
• Sole arbitrator, ICDR arbitration, aviation development project, New York law, New York seat.
• Co-arbitrator, US$27 million AAA arbitration, telecommunications involving the construction and interpretation of indemnity provisions, St. Louis seat, Missouri law.
• Chair, CPR arbitration relating to an international distribution agreement, involving warranty claims, joint venture agreements and royalty issues, Texas law, Dallas seat.
• Co-arbitrator, ICDR arbitration relating to a licensing and distribution dispute involving questions of anticipatory breach under Texas law.
• Emergency arbitrator in ICDR proceedings relating to sports licensing issues in Australia and royalty obligations under Texas law.
• Sole arbitrator in an arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 relating to allegations of misrepresentation in the services industry.
• Co-arbitrator in a complex IT patent licensing AAA arbitration under Texas law between Taiwanese and Canadian parties.
• Sole arbitrator in a complex ICDR international arbitration between Swiss and Florida parties in relation to healthcare licensing of medical devices under Florida law.
• Sole arbitrator in an ad hoc arbitration relating to allegations of misrepresentation and breach of contract under the Arbitration Act 1996.
• Sole arbitrator in relation to an agency dispute relating to professional sports management under ICDR Rules.
• Sole arbitrator, an ad hoc services arbitration involving media intrusion and breach of contract, London seat, English law.
• Sole arbitrator, ICC arbitration food and beverages franchise in Qatar, US$2 million in dispute, English law, Paris seat.
• Sole arbitrator, AAA arbitration relating to a franchise agreement for a fitness chain, Texas law, Houston seat.
Finance, Regulatory. Insurance and IT/software
• Co-arbitrator, HKIAC arbitration (consolidated), loan agreements, US$640 million, Hong Kong seat, Hong Kong law.
• President, HKIAC arbitration arising out of a side letter to a US$275 million guarantee.
• Sole arbitrator, LCIA arbitration, indemnity agreement, London seat, English law.
• Sole arbitrator, AAA arbitration, blockchain technologies, Houston seat, Texas law.
• Chair, ICDR arbitration (Commercial Arbitration Rules) investment dispute with over US$40 million in dispute, New York seat, Delaware law.
• Sole arbitrator, ad hoc arbitration, arising out of a digital business exchange, English law, London seat.
• Sole arbitrator, ICC arbitration, software licenses, British Columbia law, Vancouver seat.
• Co-arbitrator, LCIA arbitration, software contract, £300 million in dispute, English law, London seat.