Waving your award goodbye - a reminder about challenge and enforcement Lucy GreenwoodFebruary 4, 2019Arbitrators, Enforcement of AwardsComment
EQ in International Arbitrators: Elusive but Essential? Lucy GreenwoodJanuary 29, 2019Arbitrators, Conduct of ProceedingsComment
You wrote a long pleading - did you really not have time to write a short one? Lucy GreenwoodJanuary 22, 2019Arbitration, Procedure Comments
Frustrations of an international arbitration researcher Lucy GreenwoodJanuary 16, 2019ArbitrationComment
"Excellent Communication Skills" in arbitrators Lucy GreenwoodJanuary 10, 2019Arbitrators, Soft SkillsComment
How do you solve the problem of witnesses? Lucy GreenwoodDecember 13, 2018Arbitration, Procedure, Witnesses, Decision makingComment
Nine out of ten people want an experienced arbitrator, and they're right Lucy GreenwoodDecember 12, 2018Decision making, Diversity, Experience Comment
What happens if an arbitrator has a fantastic reputation, but no one knows about it? Lucy GreenwoodDecember 11, 2018Energy, Promotion, Appointments Comment
Contextualizing the numbers and positioning yourself as an arbitrator Lucy GreenwoodDecember 10, 2018Energy, Statistics, AppointmentsComment